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T-Group Training Vault

We are so excited you are here! You have access to each week of content for T-Group. We encourage you to digest each week’s materal and look ahead only to plan out how much time you’ll need to read and answer that week’s questions. 

Some of these chapters are lengthy and have content that might make be challenging or where you’ll hvae paradigm shifts. We look forward to hearing your “Ah Ha” moment’s and we will share ours too!

Please let us know if you have any questions along the way by emailing, [email protected] or replying to one of our T-Group Emails. 


-Barbara & Program Department Team

Week 1

Reading – Week 1

Read to Learn:

  • Preface: Part 1 & 2
  • Chapter 1: The Beginning of Transformation Prayer Ministry
  • Chapter 2: The Three Elements of TPM: Principles, Purpose, and Process
  • Chapter 3: The Principles of TPM: Explaining the Purpose and Process of TPM
Homework Questions

As you read the Principles Purpose and Process Book answers the questions found here. Write down any quetsions you have or “Ah Ha” moments. We will go over all these questions in our discussion time together!


TPM Explained – Video (28 minutes)

This is a helpful video to explain what TPM is, this is also a newer video by Dr. Ed Smith. 

Click Here: TPM Explained Video 

Week 2

Reading – Chapter 12

Read to Learn:

  • Chapter 12: The Process of TPM: Applying the “Principles” to Accomplish the “Purpose” (Parts 1-4)
Homework Word Document

Write down any quetsions you have or “Ah Ha” moments. We will go over all these questions in our discussion time together!


Role Play – Sarah’s Stressful Situtation

Please read this role play with a friend!


TPM Video Introduction (6 minutes)

This is a brief TPM Introduction video by our Serenity Retreat Founder Kathryn Eason. This is another way you can internatlize what TPM is or how to share it. 

VIDEO LINK: TPM Introduction 

Pay Attention to Your Emotions

This week begin to pay attention to how you feel or what emotions pop up when you’re in a stressful situtation, or when something feels off about a conversation, or when you’re irritated, annoyed, frustrated (which are all on the spectrum for Anger)

Anger & Solution Box Handouts

These two boxes are NOT covered during T-Group. In order to help you be more successful in your TPM sessions, you may want to read over this material. It could help you navigate these two boxes more effectively.


Week 3

Reading – Chapter 4

Read to Learn:

  • Chapter 4: The “Belief and Perception” Principle: “We perceive what we believe.” (Parts 1-5) 

Role Play – Franks Faltering Faith

Please read the following role play with a friend!

Notice: association taking place while Frank is in the Emotion Box. Be on the lookout for when he transitions to the Memory Box. (The code at the end of the mentee’s response will change from E# to M#. These codes correlate to the Emotion Box and Memory Box handouts.) Did you notice the same memory came up twice even though he didn’t say explicitly this is the same memory? Write down any questions you have as you read through the role play.


Emotion Box – Practice

Be aware of your emotions this week. How are you reacting or responding to situations?

Practice associating: While you focus on your emotions, what comes to mind? Remember you don’t have to go looking for a memory. God gave you the ability to naturally associate. Let your emotion be the bridge. Don’t edit anything out and don’t try to figure out why you are feeling that way in the moment.

If you want to uncover the belief causing your negative emotion, follow the process to the Memory Box where you’ll uncover not only what you came to believe but why during that context or experience. 

Let us know how it goes or if you get stuck somewhere along the way. Trying is what counts. 

Week 4

Reading – Chapter 5

Read to Learn:

  • Chapter 5: The “Belief and Emotion” Principle: “We feel what we believe.” (Parts 1-7)
Homework Questions

Write down any quetsions you have or “Ah Ha” moments. 


TPM Explained – Video (28 minutes)

This is a helpful video to explain what TPM is, this is also a newer video by Dr. Ed Smith. 

Click Here: TPM Explained Video 

Do TPM on Yourself

Using the TPM Maps and TPM On Yourself, so your best at going through the Emotion Box maybe even to the Memory Box through the Transformation Box. You might notice anger is pops up so try going through the Anger Box which leads into the Solution Box! 

Week 5

Reading – Chapter 6

Read to Learn:

  • Chapter 6: The “Belief and Choice” Principle: “We do what we believe.” (Parts 1-7)
Homework Word Document

Write down any quetsions you have or “Ah Ha” moments. We will go over all these questions in our discussion time together!


Do TPM on Yourself

Continue to pay attention to how you feel or what emotions pop in various situations. 

Week 6

Reading – Chapter 8

Read to Learn:

  • Chapter 8: The Purpose of TPM: Gaining God’s Perspective through His Divine Persuasion

Role Play – Franks Faltering Faith

Please read the following role play with a friend!

Notice: association taking place while Frank is in the Emotion Box. Be on the lookout for when he transitions to the Memory Box. (The code at the end of the mentee’s response will change from E# to M#. These codes correlate to the Emotion Box and Memory Box handouts.) Did you notice the same memory came up twice even though he didn’t say explicitly this is the same memory? Write down any questions you have as you read through the role play.


Emotion Box – Practice

Be aware of your emotions this week. How are you reacting or responding to situations?

Practice associating: While you focus on your emotions, what comes to mind? Remember you don’t have to go looking for a memory. God gave you the ability to naturally associate. Let your emotion be the bridge. Don’t edit anything out and don’t try to figure out why you are feeling that way in the moment.

If you want to uncover the belief causing your negative emotion, follow the process to the Memory Box where you’ll uncover not only what you came to believe but why during that context or experience. 

Let us know how it goes or if you get stuck somewhere along the way. Trying is what counts. 

Do TPM on Yourself

At this point we hope you are able to do most of a TPM session by yourself or maybe with a little help. Continue to do your best at trying TPM on yourself. This week we will try and Mentor you as you do a TPM session on yourself or as you try and Mentor one of your peers.