About Serenity Retreat
A world where everyone is transformed by the healing and redeeming power of Jesus.
Equipping all generations in a prayer process that allows for a transformational encounter with God.
- Excellent, pure, confidential Transformation Prayer Ministry
- Prayerful, scriptural decision making
- Honor and care for the individual
What Is TPM?
Transformation Prayer Ministry (TPM) is a biblically based, prayer process that helps individuals get to the root of their emotions and beliefs. Dr. Ed Smith says, “the goal of TPM is that every believer might know the truth within his or her heart, resulting in an effortless and maintenance-free expression of the fruit of the Holy Spirit in their daily life.”
TPM 101 is a two-hour course on the biblical basics of Transformation Prayer Ministry with an opportunity to witness a simulation session of TPM.
At Serenity Retreat, we believe that a prayer process can usher people into the presence of God. We are dedicated to meeting the needs of those who are longing to hear truth from God, gain His perspective, and experience radical transformation. As John 8:32 says, ‘You shall experience the truth, and it shall set you free.

One-Hour Prayer Sessions

Personal Healing Retreats

Group & Sponsored Retreats