Rainy Goad
Rainy came to know Jesus during her journey as a single mom. Her relationship with Jesus not only transformed her life, but also changed her direction. She became active in the single parent ministry at Second Baptist Church leading a Bible study for single moms that met once a week called “Fridays with the Father.”
Rainy has been a part of the Serenity family since February 2020 and now serves as the Engagement Team Leader. This allows her to do what she loves—talking! She gets to talk and share how the ministry’s simple prayer process helped equip her to encounter God and transform her life. It is through her own experience that she can enthusiastically encourage others to connect with Serenity Retreat.
Rainy and her husband Brad also serve with Apartment Life Ministry, a non-profit committed to sharing the Gospel. They have celebrated 13 years of marriage, ministry, and adventure.